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What Clover Do Deer Like Best

There is no definitive answer to this question, as deer preferences for clover species vary depending on the geographical region and time of year. However, some of the more popular clover species that deer enjoy include red clover (Trifolium pratense), white clover (Trifolium repens), and alsike clover (Trifolium hybridum). These clovers are high in protein and offer a nutritious food source for deer.

Crimson Clover as a Deer Food Plot Forage – The Good, Bad, and Ugly

If you’re a deer, and you’re looking for some clover to munch on, what kind do you like best? While there are many different types of clovers out there, deer tend to prefer white clover the most. This is likely because white clover is more nutrient-rich than other types of clovers.

So if you’re a deer and you’re looking for a tasty treat, go for the white clover!

Red Or White Clover for Deer

There are many different types of clover that can be found across North America, but the two most commonly found are red clover and white clover. So, which one is better for deer? The answer may surprise you.

While both types of clover are high in protein and nutrients that deer need, studies have shown that red clover is actually higher in protein than white clover. In fact, red clover can contain up to 30% more protein than white clover. This means that if you’re looking to attract deer to your property or supplement their diet, red clover is the way to go.

Not only is red clover higher in protein, but it also contains more calcium and phosphorus than white clover. These minerals are essential for healthy bones and antlers in deer. So, not only will they be getting a boost of nutrition from the red clover, but they’ll also be getting what they need for strong bones and antlers.

If you’re looking to plant some Clover on your property this year, make sure to go with Red Clover seed. Your local wildlife store should have everything you need to get started.

Best Clover for Deer in Wisconsin

If you’re looking for the best clover to attract deer in Wisconsin, look no further than alsike clover. Alsike clover is a perennial plant that produces white or pink flowers and is a member of the rose family. This hardy plant can survive in a variety of soil types and prefers full sun to partial shade.

Deer love alsike clover because it’s high in protein and provides a nutritious food source.

Arrowleaf Clover for Deer

Arrowleaf Clover is a popular forage for deer. It is a cool-season annual that can be found in pastures, meadows and open woodlands. Arrowleaf clover is high in protein and calcium and provides a good source of nutrition for deer.

The leaves of the plant are arrow-shaped and have a white or light green color. The flowers are small and white, with each flower having five petals. Arrowleaf clover grows best in well-drained soils with moderate to high levels of fertility.

It does not tolerate drought or wet conditions well.

Durana Clover for Deer

Durana Clover is a perennial legume that is native to the southeastern United States. It is a very palatable forage for deer and other wildlife, and it is also drought tolerant. Durana Clover can be planted in the spring or fall, and it will produce high-quality forage for several years with little maintenance.

Best Red Clover for Deer

There are many different types of red clover, and not all of them are equally attractive to deer. Some varieties are more palatable to deer, while others are less so. The best red clover for deer is the variety that they find most palatable and that provides the most nutrition.

Different deer have different preferences, so there is no one “best” red clover for all deer. However, some common varieties that are often preferred by deer include ‘Alsike’, ‘Crimson’, and ‘Trifolium’.

Do Deer Like Red Or White Clover?

Deer like red and white clover for different reasons. Red clover is a good source of protein, while white clover is a good source of calcium. Both are important nutrients for deer.

What Clover is the Best for Deer to Eat?

There are many different types of clover, and each has its own benefits for deer. However, some clovers are better than others when it comes to providing nutrition for these animals. Here is a look at the best clovers for deer to eat:

Red Clover: This type of clover is high in protein and calcium, both of which are essential nutrients for deer. Red clover is also a good source of fiber, which can help keep deer healthy and improve their digestion. White Clover: Like red clover, white clover is also high in protein and calcium.

In addition, white clover contains more vitamins and minerals than other types of clover. This makes it an excellent choice for providing nutrition to deer. Crimson Clover: Crimson clover is another good option for deer, as it is high in protein and calcium.

Crimson clover also contains a higher level of nitrogen than other types of clover, making it ideal for helping plants grow. Deer love to eat crimson clover, as it is very tender and sweet-tasting.

What is the Best Clover for Food Plots?

There are a few things to consider when choosing the best clover for your food plot. The first is what type of game you want to attract. If you’re looking to attract deer, then white clover is a good choice.

If you’re looking to attract turkey, then red clover is a better choice. The second thing to consider is the soil type in your area. Clover does best in well-drained soils with a pH between 6 and 7.

Finally, you’ll need to decide whether you want a short-lived annual or a long-lived perennial variety. Annuals will need to be replanted every year, but they can provide an abundance of food during their growing season. Perennials will come back year after year and don’t need to be replanted, but they may not produce as much food each year as annuals do during their peak growing season.

What Can I Plant With Clover for Deer?

If you’re looking to attract deer to your property, planting clover is a great way to do it. Clover is a high-protein forage that deer love to eat, and it’s also relatively easy to grow. In addition to clover, there are a number of other plants that you can mix in with your clover plot to make it even more attractive to deer.

Here are some of the best options: Alfalfa: Like clover, alfalfa is a high-protein forage crop that deer find irresistible. Alfalfa is also very tolerant of heavy grazing pressure, so it’s a good choice if you’re worried about deer over-browsing your clover plot.

Chicory: Chicory is another excellent forage plant for deer. It’s very palatable and provides an excellent source of nutrients, especially in the spring when other food sources are scarce. Chicory also has deep roots, which help aerate and improve the quality of the soil.

Oats: Oats are not as high in protein as clover or alfalfa, but they’re still a favorite food source for many deer. They’re especially popular in the fall when they mature and produce their grain. Oats also have the added benefit of providing cover for small game animals like rabbits and quail.


The answer may surprise you, but deer actually prefer clover that is slightly wilted. This is because the process of wilting breaks down some of the cell walls in the plant, making it easier for deer to digest. Additionally, wilted clover is more palatable to deer than fresh clover.