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Can You Hunt Deer On Sunday In Ohio

In Ohio, you can hunt deer on Sunday if you follow the proper regulations. You must have a valid hunting license, and you can only hunt on private property with the owner’s permission. You can also only hunt with firearms that are legal to use for deer hunting.

  • Check the Ohio hunting regulations to see if deer hunting is allowed on Sundays
  • Choose a deer hunting method
  • Find a good spot to hunt
  • Get your deer hunting gear ready
  • Go deer hunting on Sunday!

.350 LEGEND OHIO DEER HUNT | Whitetail Collective

Ohio deer gun season

The Ohio deer gun season typically runs from the last week in November to the first week in December. The season is broken into two segments, with the first segment running from the last Saturday in November to the following Sunday, and the second segment running from the following Saturday to the first Sunday in December. Deer may be taken with a shotgun, muzzleloader, or handgun during the deer gun season.

Ohio is divided into four deer hunting regions, with different dates and bag limits for each region. In Region A, which includes most of northeast Ohio, the deer gun season runs from November 28 to December 1. In Region B, which includes parts of northeast and central Ohio, the deer gun season runs from December 5 to 8.

In Region C, which includes parts of southwest and central Ohio, the deer gun season runs from December 12 to 15. Finally, in Region D, which includes parts of northwest and southeast Ohio, the deer gun season runs from December 19 to 22. The bag limit for deer in Ohio is two per hunter in most counties, although some counties have a one-deer bag limit.

A few counties have a three-deer bag limit. Hunters are required to wear at least 500 square inches of fluorescent orange material on their head, chest, and back combined when hunting during the deer gun season. The Ohio deer gun season is a great time to get out and enjoy the outdoors with family and friends.

Can you hunt on Sunday in Ohio on public land?

Yes, you can hunt on Sunday in Ohio on public land. Ohio is one of only a handful of states that allow Sunday hunting, and there are specific laws and regulations in place to ensure that hunting on Sundays is safe and fair. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you’re planning to hunt on Sunday in Ohio:

– Ohio law prohibits hunting on Sundays within 500 feet of any church, school, or occupied dwelling. This law is in place to protect people who may be attending church or school, or who live near a hunting area. – You must have a valid hunting license and comply with all other hunting regulations.

– You can only hunt on public land that is open to hunting. Check with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) for a list of open public hunting areas. – Be sure to check the local weather forecast before heading out, as inclement weather can impact hunting conditions.

By following these simple guidelines, you can enjoy a safe and successful hunting trip on Sunday in Ohio.

What time of day can you hunt deer in Ohio?

In Ohio, the legal hunting hours for deer are 30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset.

What are the deer hunting rules in Ohio?

In Ohio, deer hunting is regulated by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). The deer hunting season typically runs from the last week in September through the first week of January, although the exact dates vary depending on the county. Hunters are required to have a valid hunting license, and must comply with all other state and federal hunting regulations.

The bag limit for deer in Ohio is two bucks and six does per hunter, per year. Hunters are also required to wear at least 400 square inches of fluorescent orange visible from all directions while hunting deer during the gun season. The ODNR website includes a comprehensive list of all the deer hunting rules and regulations in Ohio, which can be found here:

Can you hunt on your own land without a license in Ohio?

In Ohio, you can generally hunt on your own land without a license, as long as you are not hunting in a state park, national forest, or other federally-regulated area. You will need to check with your local county sheriff to be sure, as some counties have their own regulations.


In Ohio, you can only hunt deer on certain days of the week. Sunday is not one of those days.