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How to Keep Moisture Out of Deer Feeder

To keep moisture out of the deer feeder, ensure the lid is tight fitting and there are no gaps around the edges. Place the feeder on an elevated platform or stand to help keep water from getting inside. You can also add a layer of gravel or sand around the outside base of the feeder to help with drainage.

Deer Feeder Tips and Tricks 2021

  • Check the feeder regularly for any signs of moisture, such as rust or mold
  • If possible, keep the feeder away from areas where there is a lot of moisture, like near ponds or in low-lying areas
  • If you live in an area with a lot of rain, you may need to invest in a cover for your feeder to keep the contents dry
  • Be sure to empty out any old feed that has gotten wet and start fresh with new, dry feed

Deer Feeder Breather

If you’re an avid hunter, chances are you’ve considered purchasing a deer feeder. But what exactly is a deer feeder? A deer feeder is simply a device that dispenses food for deer, typically in the form of corn or pellets.

Some deer feeders also come with a built-in breathing system that allows the user to control the amount of air flow into the unit. This can be helpful in keeping your deer healthy and preventing disease. There are many different types of deer feeders on the market, so it’s important to do your research before making a purchase.

You’ll want to consider things like capacity, price, and features before deciding on the perfect feeder for your needs. Deer feeders can range in price from around $100 to over $1,000, so it’s important to set a budget before shopping. When it comes to capacity, you’ll want to choose a size that’s appropriate for the number of deer in your area.

If you’re not sure how many deer will be using the feeder, it’s better to err on the side of caution and choose a larger model. As far as features go, there are several different options available on today’s market. Some common features include automatic timers, solar power options, and GPS capabilities.

No matter what type of deer feeder you’re looking for, there’s sure to be one that meets your needs perfectly. With so many great options on today’s market, there’s no reason not to start shopping for your deer feeding system!

Deer Feeder Breather Kit

If you are a hunter, or even someone who enjoys observing wildlife, chances are you have a deer feeder. A deer feeder is a great way to attract deer to your property so that you can watch them up close. However, if you don’t take care of your deer feeder, it can become a breeding ground for bacteria and mold.

That’s why it’s important to regularly clean and maintain your deer feeder with a Deer Feeder Breather Kit. A Deer Feeder Breather Kit contains everything you need to keep your deer feeder clean and free of bacteria and mold. The kit includes a specially designed brush that reaches into all the nooks and crannies of the feeder and a powerful cleaning solution that breaks down any build-up on the inside of the feeder.

Once you’ve used the brush and cleaner to thoroughly clean the inside of the feeder, rinse it out with water and then use the included air pump to inflate the enclosed balloon. This will create a seal on the top of the feeder that will prevent moisture from getting inside and causing bacteria or mold growth. With regular cleaning and maintenance using a Deer Feeder Breather Kit, you can be sure that your deer feeder will stay clean and safe for years to come!

Wet Corn in Deer Feeder

If you live in an area where deer are prevalent, you’ve likely seen them around your property at some point. And if you’re a hunter, you may have even put out a feeder or two to attract them. But what happens when the corn in your feeder gets wet?

Can deer still eat it? The answer is yes, deer can still eat wet corn. In fact, they will often seek out wet corn over dry corn because it is easier for them to digest.

However, there are some things to keep in mind if you plan on feeding wet corn to deer. First, make sure that the wet corn is not moldy or otherwise spoiled. Deer are attracted to the smell of rotting food, so if the corn is beginning to spoil, they will be more likely to eat it and could get sick as a result.

Secondly, Wet Corn can attract other animals besides deer. If you have bears or raccoons in the area, they may be drawn to the smell of the Wet Corn as well and could cause damage to your feeder or even harm themselves if they try to eat it. Lastly, Wet Corn can attract insects which can then infest your feeder and eventually make their way into your home if left unchecked.

So it’s important to keep an eye on any Wet Corn that you put out and make sure it doesn’t start attracting unwanted pests.

Metal Deer Feeder

When picking a deer feeder, many people overlook metal deer feeders. Metal deer feeders have many advantages that other materials simply can’t match. Here are just a few reasons why you should consider using a metal deer feeder on your property:

They’re Extremely Durable – Metal is, by far, the most durable material you can use for a deer feeder. Even in the harshest weather conditions, metal deer feeders will hold up better than any other type of feeder. If you want your deer feeder to last for years (and save you money in the long run), then go with a metal one.

They Keep Predators Out – Another advantage of metal deer feeders is that they keep predators out. Deer are easy prey for many animals, so it’s important that their food is protected from would-be thieves. With a metal deer feeder, you can rest assured knowing that your food will be safe and sound.

They Don’t Attract Insects – One final benefit of using a metal deer feeder is that they don’t attract insects. This is especially important in areas where mosquitoes or other pests are prevalent. By keeping the bugs away, you’ll also be keeping diseases away as well.

Gravity Feeder

A gravity feeder is a device that uses the force of gravity to move material from one location to another. Gravity feeders are often used in industrial and manufacturing settings, as they can convey large volumes of material quickly and efficiently. Gravity feeders can also be used in food and beverage applications, where they can help to ensure that ingredients are evenly mixed or blended.

What is the Best Thing to Put in a Deer Feeder?

The best thing to put in a deer feeder is corn. Corn is high in carbohydrates and protein, which are essential nutrients for deer. Deer also prefer the taste of corn over other foods, so it is a good way to attract them to your feeder.

How Many Seconds Should a Deer Feeder Run?

A deer feeder should run for about 30 seconds.

What is the Best Time to Set a Deer Feeder to Feed?

The best time to set a deer feeder to feed is in the early morning or late evening. Deer are most active during these times and will be more likely to visit your feeder.

Do Deer Feeders Scare Big Bucks?

One of the most common questions that deer hunters ask is “Do deer feeders scare big bucks?” The answer to this question isn’t as simple as a yes or no. In order to fully understand the answer, we must first understand what a deer feeder is and how it works.

A deer feeder is a device that is used to dispense food for deer. These devices can be either automatic or manual, and are often used in areas where there is not enough natural food for the deer population. Deer feeders can be beneficial for hunters because they provide an easy way to attract and observe deer.

However, some hunters worry that using a deer feeder will scare away big bucks. There is no definitive answer to whether or not using a deer feeder will scare away big bucks. Some studies have shown that bucks are more likely to avoid areas where they see other deer feeding, while other studies have shown that bucks are just as likely to visit areas with feeders as they are areas without them.

Ultimately, it seems that each individual buck will react differently to the presence of a deer feeder. Some bucks may be scared off by the sight of other deer feeding, while others may be attracted to the easy source of food. If you are worried about scaring away big bucks with yourfeeder, you could try placing it in an area where it is not visible from afar, or only filling it when you know you will be around to watch the Deer activity .


It’s no secret that deer love to eat. And, as any good hunter knows, if you want to attract deer to your hunting grounds, one of the best ways to do so is by putting out a deer feeder. However, keeping moisture out of your deer feeder is important in order to keep the food inside fresh and attractive to deer.

Here are a few tips on how to keep moisture out of your deer feeder: 1) Choose the right location for your feeder. Deer are attracted to areas that offer both food and shelter, so placing your feeder in an open area away from trees and shrubs will help keep moisture away from the food inside.

2) Use a weatherproof cover. A tarp or other waterproof material placed over your feeder will help protect it from rain and snow. 3) Keep the lid tight.

Make sure the lid on your feeder is securely fastened so that moisture can’t get inside. 4) Check regularly and empty when necessary. Even with a cover in place, it’s important to check on your feeder regularly and empty it if necessary to prevent mold or mildew from forming inside.