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What to Bring to Coachella Camping

When heading to Coachella for a camping trip, pack all the essentials: a tent, Sleeping bag, camp stove, food, water, and clothing. Don’t forget to bring any necessary medications, sunscreen, and insect repellent. A flashlight or headlamp is also essential for nighttime trips to the bathroom.

Finally, ensure you have your ID and tickets ready before leaving for the festival!

Are you planning on camping at Coachella this year? If so, there are a few things you should bring with you! First and foremost, you’ll need a tent.

Make sure it’s big enough to comfortably fit your belongings and yourself – you don’t want to be cramped up during the festival. Choosing a tent that’s easy to set up and take down is also important – no one wants to waste time fiddling with complicated tents when they could be out enjoying the music! Once you have your shelter sorted, it’s time to start thinking about what else you’ll need to make your camping experience comfortable.

A sleeping bag is an absolute must – even if it gets hot during the day, nighttime can get chilly in the desert. You might also want to bring along a pillow, some blankets, and/or an air mattress if you prefer not to sleep directly on the ground. Of course, you won’t want to forget any essentials like sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, and water bottles.

And speaking of food and drink… remember that coolers are not allowed inside the festival grounds, so anything perishable will need to stay in your campsite. Stock up on non-perishables like snacks and canned drinks before heading out for the day – trust us, you’ll be glad you did when those hunger pangs hit in the middle of a set! Last but not least, don’t forget items that will make your camp more fun like games (cards against humanity anyone?), lawn chairs or bean bags for chilling in front of your tent, and portable speakers for dancing around your campsite late into the night.

Car Camping

Car camping is a great way to enjoy the outdoors without having to lug all your gear. It’s perfect for short trips or weekend getaways; you can even do it in your backyard! All you need is a car and some basic camping supplies, and you’re ready to go.

Here are a few tips for car camping:

  1. Choose a comfortable spot: When you’re car camping, you’ll be spending a lot of time in your vehicle, so make sure to choose a comfortable spot to set up camp. Look for level ground free of rocks and roots, and make sure there’s room for your car so you can easily get in and out.

    2. Bring plenty of food and water: Since you won’t have access to amenities like kitchens or bathrooms, bringing enough food and water for your entire trip is important. Pack non-perishable items that don’t require cooking, and consider bringing a portable cooler or fridge if you have one. And don’t forget the marshmallows!

    3. Dress for the weather: Be prepared for whatever Mother Nature throws at you by dressing appropriately for the weather. Layer clothing so you can add or remove layers as needed, and pack rain gear just in case. Don’t forget hats, sunglasses, sunscreen, and insect repellent too!

    4. Be mindful of wildlife: When car camping in areas with wildlife present, take precautions to avoid attracting them to your campsite. Store food securely in airtight containers away from your sleeping area, dispose of trash properly (in bear-proof bins if available), keep pets on a leash at all times, and refrain from leaving scented items like soap or perfume out in the open air.

What Do I Need for Camping Coachella?

Assuming you would like a packing list for camping at Coachella:

  • -A tent big enough for however many people you bring and all your gear. Make sure to stake it down in case of windy weather!
  • -A tarp to put under your tent in case of rain or extra warmth
  • -Sleeping bags/bedding and pillows for everyone
  • -Flashlights and lanterns with extra batteries
  • -Sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, and lip balm to protect from the sun
  • -Bug spray
  • -First Aid kit, including any prescription medications you might need
  • -Cooler with food and drinks (be sure to bring enough ice!) Don’t forget snacks!
  • -Camp chairs or blankets to sit on
  • -Games, cards, books, or other entertainment

    Some things to remember when packing for Coachella: The average high temperature is about 85 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, but it can get much colder at night. There is also a strong possibility of rain, so be prepared!

What Can’t You Bring to Coachella Camping?

As much as we love Coachella and camping at the festival, there are a few things that you can not bring to the campgrounds. First and foremost, no outside alcohol is allowed. This includes beer, wine, liquor, etc.

If you are caught with any alcohol that was not purchased inside the fest, you will be escorted out by security. Also, no glass is allowed on the premises for safety reasons. This means all bottles must be plastic or aluminum.

No grills or open flames are permitted in the campgrounds. The only exception to this rule is if you have a portable stove for cooking purposes. All fires must be put out and extinguished before leaving your campsite.

Lastly, no pets are allowed in the campgrounds with the exception of service animals.

How Do You Stay Cool at Coachella Camping?

Coachella camping can be a bit challenging when it comes to staying cool. The desert heat can be brutal, especially during the day. There are a few things you can do to make sure you stay cool while camping at Coachella.

First, make sure you bring plenty of water and drink it often. It’s important to stay hydrated in the heat. Second, try to camp in a shady spot if possible.

This will help keep you cooler than if you were in direct sunlight. Third, wear loose, light-colored clothing. This will help reflect some of the sun’s heat away from your body.

Finally, don’t forget to apply sunscreen! With all that sun exposure, you’ll want to make sure you’re protected from harmful UV rays. If you follow these tips, you should be able to stay cool while camping at Coachella.

Enjoy the festival and have fun!

What to Expect When Camping at Coachella?

When it comes to camping at Coachella, there are a few things you can expect. For starters, the weather is usually pretty warm during the day and cool at night. Additionally, there’s a lot of dust in the air, so it’s important to bring a bandana or something to cover your face.

The campgrounds open at 2pm on Thursday and close at noon on Monday, so plan accordingly. There are a limited number of spots available on a first-come, first-served basis, so if you want to ensure you get a spot, arrive early. Once you’re in the campground, you can set up your tent anywhere you’d like (except for the main path).

Keep in mind that noise levels are typically high at night, so if you’re looking for some peace and quiet, pitching your tent towards the back of the campground may be ideal. Finally, there are plenty of food and drink options available within the campgrounds, so no need to worry about packing everything yourself – although bringing some snacks and non-perishable items is always a good idea.

honest experience car camping at coachella 2022 | tips & essentials ????


Coachella is a huge music festival that takes place every year in Indio, California. If you’re lucky enough to snag tickets, you might be wondering what to bring with you for the camping portion of the event. Here are some essential items to pack:

Tent: Make sure your tent is big enough to fit all of your stuff and comfortable enough to sleep in. Don’t forget a ground tarp to put under your tent!

Sleeping bag: A good sleeping bag is key for a comfortable night’s sleep.

Choose one that’s appropriate for the temperature conditions you’ll be facing.

Chair: A camp chair is great for hanging out around the campsite or taking a break from dancing in the heat.

Cooler: You’ll want a cooler packed with food and drinks to keep you going throughout the day and into the night.

Be sure to include plenty of ice! -Sunscreen and hats: The desert sun can be brutal, so make sure you have plenty of sunscreen and hats to protect yourself from getting burned.