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How to Hunt a Mountain Lion Without Dogs

The best way to hunt a mountain lion or Cougar without dogs is to use a spot and stalk method. First, find an area where you know the lion will be, such as along its hunting grounds or near its den. Next, position yourself downwind of the animal so that it cannot smell you.

Then, using binoculars or a spotting scope, scan the area until you see the lion. Once you have located the animal, slowly and quietly approach it while remaining hidden. When you are within range, take a shot.

  • Look for tracks in the snow or mud and follow them
  • Look for fresh scat and urine to determine if the lion is still in the area
  • Set up a blind or ambush site near where you think the lion will travel
  • Wait patiently for the lion to show itself
  • Take a clean shot when the lion is within range

Bowhunting Cougars 2021 – Bow Hunting & Predator calling cougars without dogs

Can a Dog Fight off a Mountain Lion?

When it comes to protecting their owners, dogs will go to great lengths. But can a dog really fight off a mountain lion? The answer is yes, but it’s not going to be easy.

Mountain lions are one of the most feared predators in North America, and with good reason. They’re large cats, weighing in at around 150 pounds on average, with powerful muscles and claws that can do some serious damage. Dogs, on the other hand, typically weigh between 30 and 100 pounds.

So they’re at a bit of a disadvantage regarding size and strength. That said, dogs are also known for being brave and protective of their humans. And many have been known to fight off mountain lions (and other predators) when their owners are in danger.

So if your dog is ever faced with a mountain lion, don’t give up hope just yet. They might just surprise you with their courage and determination.

How Hard is It to Hunt a Mountain Lion?

Mountain lions, also called pumas or cougars, are one of the most elusive animals in North America. They inhabit remote mountainous regions and dense forests across the continent, making them difficult to find and track. Hunting mountain lions can be a challenging and dangerous endeavor, but there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of success.

First, it’s important to understand the habits of mountain lions. They are primarily nocturnal hunters, so your best bet for finding them is to venture into their territory at night. Be sure to bring along a good flashlight or headlamp so you can see where you’re going.

You should also wear sturdy boots and clothing that will protect you from thorns and branches while you’re hiking in the dark. Second, set up bait stations around your hunting area. Mountain lions are attracted to the scent of fresh meat, so placing some raw meat or bloody entrails near potential hiding spots may lure them out into the open.

Once they take the bait, be ready to take your shot quickly and accurately. Lastly, don’t go hunting alone. Mountain lions are large and formidable predators that could easily injure or kill an unprepared person.

It’s always best to hunt with at least one other person so that someone can keep watch while you’re setting up baits or taking shots.

What Caliber Do You Need to Hunt Mountain Lions?

There is no definitive answer to this question as the appropriate caliber will vary depending on a number of factors, including the size and weight of the mountain lion, the terrain in which you are hunting, and your own personal preferences. However, some hunters recommend using a caliber between .308 and .338 when hunting mountain lions.

What Will Attract a Mountain Lion?

Mountain lions are one of the most feared predators in North America. They are also one of the most misunderstood animals. People often think that mountain lions are attracted to humans, when in reality, they avoid us whenever possible.

So, what will attract a mountain lion? One of the biggest attractions for mountain lions is food. If there is an abundance of deer or other prey animals in an area, it is likely that a mountain lion will be drawn to it.

Another attraction for these cats is fresh water sources. Mountain lions need to drink regularly, so if there is a river or stream nearby, they may be drawn to it. Lastly, mountain lions are attracted to areas with dense vegetation.

This provides them with cover from both prey and predators alike. If you live in an area where mountain lions have been sighted, it is important to take precautions such as keeping your pets inside at night and not hiking alone in remote areas. By understanding what attracts these animals, we can help keep both ourselves and them safe.

Where Do Mountain Lions Live

Mountain lions, also known as cougars or pumas, are large felines that live in the Americas. These cats once roamed across much of North and South America, but their populations have declined significantly over the past century due to hunting and habitat loss. Today, mountain lions are found primarily in the western United States and Canada, with smaller populations in parts of Central and South America.

Mountain lions typically inhabit forested areas with thick cover where they can stalk their prey undetected. They often den in caves or rocky outcrops, but will also use trees, logs, or dense vegetation for shelter. A typical home range for a mountain lion is 20-80 square miles, although ranges can overlap considerably depending on terrain and prey availability.

Male mountain lions are generally larger than females and have much larger home ranges that may encompass several hundred square miles. Mountain lions are proficient hunters and primarily target deer species, although they will also eat elk, moose, bighorn sheep, rabbits, rodents, birds, and other small animals. A single adult lion needs to kill an average of one deer every week to survive; a female with cubs needs to kill even more (up to two per day).

In areas where deer populations are low or mountain lions face competition from other predators such as wolves or bears , they may switch to hunting livestock such as cattle or sheep . Mountain lions typically stalk their prey until they get within 50-100 feet before making a quick dash to take it down; they then drag their kill back into cover to eat undisturbed.


Mountain lions are one of the most elusive animals in North America, and as such, they are also one of the most challenging to hunt. The good news is that it is possible to successfully hunt a mountain lion without the use of dogs. Here are a few tips on how to do just that:

1. Understand their behavior. Mountain lions are solitary creatures and tend to be most active at dawn and dusk. They typically prefer steep, rocky terrain where they can ambush their prey.

Understanding their habits will help you know where to look for them when you’re out hunting. 2. Use decoys or attractants. Placing a decoy or an attractant like deer urine in an area where you think mountain lions might frequent can help lure them out into the open.

3. Be patient and quiet. When you’re finally in position to take a shot, it’s important that you remain calm and quiet so as not to startle the animal and cause it to run away before you have a chance to take aim.